DEVOTION BY Stacie Swicegood POSTED 2/4/2025 6:00:01 AM
The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their trouble.
Psalm 34:17 NLT
Sometimes, we are so sad that it is hard to function, a sadness so profound and deep that it causes physical pain.
I experienced this once, and it felt like my brain could not figure out how to be happy again. This pain and sadness forever changed the way I thought. But when nothing seems to help because the heartbreak is so great, the great Physician can heal us when we call on Him.
As Christians, God tells us to be happy. “Let go and let God” is a favorite phrase. But what happens when we can’t let go? During my time of sadness, I still had peace and joy. But there is a difference between happiness and joy.
Having peace and joy sometimes includes a sadness that can be soul-crushing, but “the Lord hears his people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their trouble.” This verse instructs us to cry to God, not deny or try to run from our pain. We must let the Lord rescue us when we are troubled. He wants His children to call to Him so He can comfort us. Being sad doesn’t mean we’re defeated; we’re human. And to be human means to care deeply about things on this earth. Jesus doesn’t want just our happiness but our sadness too.
When we speak Jesus into the pain, we invite Jesus into the truth. God will comfort us and shine His light into the darkness. When you need comfort, cry to the Lord. He will pull you near.
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Stacie Swicegood lives in a rural west central town in Texas. She currently works as an LPN in a local nursing facility and attends a local cowboy church. She is a relatively new Christian who is amazed daily by God’s faithfulness. Although her journey has been bumpy at times, her relationship with the Savior grows daily. She learned to write when she was young as a way to cope and escape reality. After many years of subduing this talent, God gave her the courage to start again.